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A Thanksgiving Message

There's a hustle and bustle going on about the Weiser household. Holiday decorations, stowed away for most of the year, are taken out of storage and placed about to transform our humble abode into an explosion of earth tones and symbols of bountiful harvests.  Soon, our extended family will gather together to celebrate all our good fortune over a traditional feast of turkey and fall crops.

It is good that we give thanks, to remind ourselves that none of us stand alone and that whether you pray to The Lord above or you put your faith in your fellow man, we are bound together and are all the better for it. 

There is a great debate raging between our National obsession with self sufficiency and the generous spirit that is seen to be part of our collective nature.  In my humble opinion, the balance has shifted to the former at the expense of the latter, at least in the political realm. In the face of mounting pressures to cut funding for programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), we would do well to consider those less fortunate than ourselves and recommit our efforts to lend them a hand. In doing so, we lift our own selves up and enrich our character.
So, today before partaking of our holiday meal, surrounded by those I love, I'll be thinking about how, in the year ahead, I can ease the burden of those having trouble finding their next meal.  As for Weiser Family Farms? We will continue our advocacy of a sustainable food policy and our food donation efforts to local food banks in the So. Cal region.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
~ Farmer Dan 


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Reader Comments (1)

Hi Dan, I wish you the best of luck in your advocacy of sustainable food practices. It seems that not enough companies and people alike are shedding enough light on the topic. You have our support here at Anthem Nutrition!

August 6, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAnthemNutrition

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