Fight Off The Winter Lethargy

There’s just something about Winter. With the exception of Christmas shopping, everything just seems to slow to a crawl. Getting anything done just seems to take a bit more effort. No doubt, the cold weather, overcast skies, and shortened days are at play here. Our plants are telling us to slow down. Those above ground, if they can survive the freeze, are growing at a barely discernible pace. Those below the ground, well, they may as well be bears hibernating for the winter. As humans, we don’t have the luxury of sleeping through the season. We must do our best to fight the urge and do what must be done. We must squeeze in some last minute plantings, harvest our fall crops and get them to market, and finally, tighten up crop plans for the coming year. As for those plans, you can count on us to deliver a great variety of unique and colorful crops. Among them, multicolor potatoes, carrots, beets, and cauliflower. Oh, and let us not forget those specialty melons, those wonderfully fragrant and delicious melons. Yum, I can almost taste them!
Hey, look at me, not even Winter Solstice yet and I’m already pining for Summer!