It's A Root and It's Celery
Sunday, October 30, 2011 at 2:05PM
Do you like celery? And roots? Well, then let me introduce you to an underapreciated root veggy: celery root.
I know it looks kind of weird and it is knobby, but it really is good. Think what would happen if celery, parsley, and a potato had a would be celery root! Celery root is excellent in soups, stew, and other hot dishes, it can also be enjoyed raw, especially grated and tossed in salads. Raw celery root has an intense flavor that tends to dominate salads, so pair it with other strongly flavored fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, beets, and apples. It also keeps for over a week in the refrigerator.
So take a chance and try a new root vegetable this week. Try some celery root!
Reader Comments (3)
I'm not fond of celery and roots. But I think I'd consider celery root for my soups to add more flavor.
Celery in my salad is just perfect.
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