Dispatch from the Front

The beds are shaped, the drip lines are in place, and the seed hoppers are filled. Today is onion planting day in Tehachapi! Not so fast, my friend! Murphy's Law is alive and well at the farm.
We come to find that the furrows aren't deep enough for the planter to properly place the seed. No problem! Put some implements on the toolbar and take care of it. But wait! Our furrow shovels are tweeked. What shall we do? What else can you do? You turn to your neighbor.
Our friend Chris was anxious to help. Even with a full slate of farming at his own place, he took the time to gather the necessary implements for us and got us back on track.
Is this an unusual occurance? No. Not at all. Farming folk are good people. Always willing to lend a hand. It's nice to be able to tell a story that shows people working together to get things done. It seems all to rare a thing these days.
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