

Menu Minuet Panel Event

This week I had the honor of being on a panel discussion, titled "Menu Minuet" with Chefs Akasha Richmond, Mark Peel, and fellow farmer Romeo Coleman, at the Santa Monica Public Library.  We had an enthusiastic discussion about farming, seasonal produce, and the challenges of menu planning.  Moderating was Jonathon Gold, Puliitzer Prize winning writer for the LA Weeekly.  In the packed  MLK auditorium were many familiar happy faces from the Farmers' markets. We sat down and talked and shared our passions for the food that we grow and eat.  Chefs stressed how important it is to use food seasonally at it's peak.  Once that was unanimously agreed on, we celebrated about how for 12 months a year California farmers have the best, most flavorful diverse produce in the country, if not the world and how forutnate we are to have this Mediteranean climate.  

We also reminisced about the early days of the Santa Monica Farmers Markets and how it has evolved over the years.  With Farmers and Chefs continually callaborating on seasonal menus, it has really transformed what we grow and offer to all and what has been created this wonderful symbiotic relationship.  They depend on us and we depend on them.   The time just flew by!   We could have talked about fresh produce all night.  At end of the discussion, the audience recieved delicious seasonal treats from the Chefs. What a great time!  It's such a pleasure to farm, grow good food for flavor and for a community that really appreciates it. Thanks for all the love and support. 



The Big Wind

No, the headlines does not refer to Alex's gift of gab.  Rather, it refers to the strong winds that hit the Bakersfield area last Sunday, a sure sign that we are subject to the whims of Nature.  Unfortunately for us, the wind caused extensive damage to our recently transplanted melon plants.  More than half the transplants were totally blown away, the other half we hope to salvage.  It could be worse.  We will be set back a few weeks but we WILL have melons.  At least we won't have to replant uprooted trees like an Almond grower friend of ours will be doing for the next several days.

Also, I'm happy to report that our new potato, beet, and onion crops "weathered" the storm relatively unscathed.  That's great news for us given our high hopes for those crops.  We are getting every close to harvesting our new potato crop.  Weather permitting, we will be knocking down our Red Thumb fingerling plants later in the week.  Our yellow fingerling varieties will soon follow.  Oh, and let me not forget...last year's breakout hit, the Zebra potato will be back soon to "blow you away"!  Look for them sometime in mid-May.

Time to head out to prepare the ground for the next group of melon transplants.

Optimistically Yours,



Transplants and Footprints

I stand here in the field with our recently transplanted melons. I can't help but feel a surge of optimism. Everything so far has gone off without a hitch, unlike the drama of last weeks onion planting. The transplants are looking happy and healthy. The beds are smooth, fluffy, and oh so flat. It really is a beautiful thing. And best of all, not a weed to be found. Yeah, let's see how long that lasts!

Well, I'm off to check out our over-wintered onions. They're doing great so we should have a pretty good crop. I know many of you are looking forward to our Bermuda onions. We're targeting Memorial Day, or thereabouts, for our first harvest. We'll see what Mother Nature allows.


Hop Over To Weiser Family Farms

Hey everyone.  Easter is coming up!  Get ready to eat some ham, decorate eggs, and eat some chocolate bunnies.  I sure am.  I know it can be hard to plan out that special Easter meal for you and your family, but Weiser Family Farms is here to help.  Potatoes are the best for side dishes that will please everyone.  So check this out and consider adding this to your Easter meal:

Oven Roasted Pee Wee Potatoes with Rosemary and Garlic



  • 1 1/2 pounds of pee wee potatoes (about 15), scrubbed and dried
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 4 to 6 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 tablespoon fresh or 1 teaspoon dried rosemary


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Pare a narrow strip of peel from the middle of each potato. In a large bowl mix the oil, garlic, and rosemary; add the potatoes and toss well. Transfer the potatoes to a shallow baking pan and roast until potatoes are tender when tested with the tip of a knife. Serve hot. These can also be chilled and served with fried chicken or ham.

Courtesy of Food Network and Paula Deen.


Dispatch from the Front

The beds are shaped, the drip lines are in place, and the seed hoppers are filled. Today is onion planting day in Tehachapi! Not so fast, my friend! Murphy's Law is alive and well at the farm.

We come to find that the furrows aren't deep enough for the planter to properly place the seed. No problem! Put some implements on the toolbar and take care of it. But wait! Our furrow shovels are tweeked. What shall we do? What else can you do? You turn to your neighbor.

Our friend Chris was anxious to help. Even with a full slate of farming at his own place, he took the time to gather the necessary implements for us and got us back on track.

Is this an unusual occurance? No. Not at all. Farming folk are good people. Always willing to lend a hand. It's nice to be able to tell a story that shows people working together to get things done. It seems all to rare a thing these days.